Home » How to Write a Headline That Grips Your Reader?

How to Write a Headline That Grips Your Reader?

how to write headlines

In this blog, I will be sharing exclusive tips from my years of study on how to write a headline that stuns and grips the reader! Having said that, it’s not meant for copywriters only. 

You could use the information provided to electrify any sort of written or spoken content.

Honestly, we’ve all been there – scrolling through articles, blogs, or social media posts, only to stop dead in our tracks because a headline grabbed us. Right? So, what is it about some headlines that make you drop everything and click? 

That’s the magic of a well-crafted headline! It has the potential to hold the reader and slip them into reading the rest of the page.

The truth is, writing great headlines is not really magic, but a series of tricks and techniques that you can learn too. So, let me break it down for you in this easy guide to writing gripping headlines!


7 Tips On How to Write A Headline That Sticks! 

1. Find Out What Triggers the Reader

First things first, you have to know what makes your reader tick. Since a headline in copywriting decides how far the reader will go into the piece, it should begin with the reader’s most burning pleasures or fears!

What keeps them up at night? What problem are they trying to solve? Once you figure that out, you’re halfway to crafting a headline they can’t resist.

Let’s say you’re writing for people interested in personal finance. They might be worried about retirement savings or managing debt. So, a headline like “The One Thing You Must Do Before You Retire – Are You Prepared?” would hit right at their anxiety about the future. 

It’s not just a random headline; it’s designed to tease that emotional nerve your audience cares about.

Another tip: Browse forums, like Reddit or Quora, where your target audience hangs out. You’ll find tons of phrases, questions, and worries they’re voicing – those are the triggers you need to write a catchy article!




2. Detail With Arresting Specifications

Generic headlines are like lukewarm coffee – no one wants that. If you want to grab attention, be specific! Numbers and details add credibility and make your reader think, “This person knows what they’re talking about!”

Consider the difference between these two headlines:

    • “How to Lose Weight”
  • “How to Lose 10 Pounds in 30 Days Without Giving Up Pizza”

Which one sounds more appealing? It’s the second one, right? That’s because it’s specific. It tells you exactly what to expect – you’ll lose 10 pounds, and hey, you can still enjoy your favorite food! Specifics make your promise feel real, and they answer your reader’s unspoken question: “What’s in it for me?”

Now pick several random headlines that sound thick and try and make them sharper by adding specifications to them. It’s a basic task in your practice with how to write better headlines!


quotes headlines


3. Employ Power Words For Headlines to Set Mood

Words are powerful – they carry emotion, excitement, and even urgency. Without words, you can’t think! So, why not use power words for headlines?

Therefore, when you want your content to stick, sprinkle in some power words in headlines that create a mood. Words like “shocking,” “proven,” “exclusive,” “effortless,” or “ultimate” make readers feel like they’re in on something important or secret.

Let’s look at an example. If you’re writing about productivity hacks, compare these two:

    • “5 Productivity Tips You Need to Know”
  • “5 Proven Productivity Secrets That Will Change Your Life”

Both headlines offer tips, but the second one uses “proven” and “secrets” – words that evoke curiosity and credibility. Readers feel like they’re about to unlock some life-changing information!


power words


4. Use “You” – If It Sounds Grippy

Using “you” in your headline creates an instant connection with your reader. It’s like pointing a finger directly at them, making it feel personal and relevant. People love to feel like the message is just for them, and “you” does that effortlessly!

Imagine this:

  • “How to Maximize Your Savings” vs. “How You Can Maximize Your Savings Right Now”

See the difference? The second headline pulls you in because it feels like a conversation. It’s a small tweak, but in order to write a good headline, you’ll want to use it at least once to encourage a rapport with the reader. Believe me, it can make all the difference when you’re trying to hook.

Just make sure it sounds natural – you don’t want to force it if it feels awkward in the context.


5. Invoke Stirring Images With Words

As I mentioned above, placing headline power words can do wonders. Invoking images is just a little variation of using power words in headlines. In that, great headlines paint a picture in your reader’s mind through the power of words.

When they can visualize the benefit or result, they’re more likely to be intrigued and click through.

Let’s try this one out:

  • “Transform Your Backyard Into a Relaxing Oasis” instantly brings up images of lush plants, cozy seating, and a peaceful escape.
  • Compare that to “Backyard Improvement Ideas” – pretty bland, right?

When you craft your headline, think about the end result your audience wants to achieve, the benefit that your product or service will deliver – and use words that help them imagine it vividly.

People are visual creatures, and a strong mental image can make your headline irresistible. This works, without second thoughts, like an instant answer to how to write great headlines!


invoke images


6. Include Solid Testimonials and Guarantees

Adding social proof or a guarantee to your headline works like a charm because it makes people feel safe and confident. 

If I say to you, “You have my word that the exclusive tips presented in this guide get the job done for sure. I’ve been personally using them with success for over 10 years – as long as I’ve been copywriting!”

Wouldn’t you believe me? Of course, you will!

We naturally trust what others recommend, and if something comes with a guarantee, we’re more willing to take a chance.

For example:

  • “The Diet Plan That Helped 1,000+ People Lose Weight – Guaranteed to Work for You Too”

It’s not just a claim; it’s backed by the success of others and a promise that it’ll work for the reader as well. So, if you want to know how to write a killer headline, start utilizing testimonials and guarantees. You’ll never ask again.


7. End It With a Question Mark ?

As strange as it may sound, most good headline examples end with a question mark.

Ending your headline with a question is a classic move because it engages the reader directly. It prompts them to stop and think. Of course, there’s an entire psychological activity in the works behind the scenes. 

Questions tap into curiosity, which is one of the strongest motivators out there. You see?

Try something like:

  • “Want to Know the Secret to Writing Headlines That Get Clicks?”
  • “Are You Making These Common Mistakes in Your Marketing?”

See how those headlines make you pause and consider your own situation? Questions make it harder to scroll past because they demand a mental answer, pulling your reader in. 

So, there you go, ending with a question is how to write attractive heading.


how to write good headlines


In Conclusion

Writing catchy headlines that grip the reader isn’t just about stringing words together. It’s about understanding what triggers them, using specifics, power words, and even questions to keep them hooked.

You and I both know – when you nail that perfect headline, it’s like striking gold. Your reader is intrigued, engaged, and ready to dive into whatever comes next.

So next time you’re staring at a blank screen trying to come up with ideas to write a great headline, come back to these steps, and you’ll be writing irresistible headlines in no time! I assure you!