Home » 10 Sales Copywriting Tips – The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert!

10 Sales Copywriting Tips – The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert!


If you’ve ever dipped your toes into the world of direct response marketing or copywriting, chances are you’ve heard of The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert. 

Known as one of the greatest copywriters of all time, Halbert’s copywriting book is a treasure trove of wisdom for anyone looking to hone their copywriting skills. 

Written as a series of letters to his son while he was in prison, the book is packed with advice on marketing, life, and—most importantly—how to write killer sales copy that converts.

In this blog, we’ll break down 10 of the best tips from The Boron Letters that will help you create copy that sells like hotcakes!


Ten Lessons In Copywriting from the Boron Letters! 

1. Always Start with a Headline

Gary Halbert, like most other top copywriters, believed that the headline is the most important part of any piece of copy. Why? 

Because if the headline doesn’t catch the reader’s attention, they’re not going to bother reading the rest!

Gary Halbert letter taught that a headline should either make a promise, offer a benefit, or pique curiosity. In essence, it should stop the reader in their tracks and make them want to know more.

Example: “Discover the Simple Trick to Saving 30% on Your Electricity Bill!”

This headline makes a clear promise that’ll pull in readers interested in saving money.


gary halbert


2. Sell Benefits, Not Features

One of Boron Letters copywriting teachings is that people don’t care about the features of a product—they care about how it’ll improve their lives. 

Features tell, but benefits sell. When writing copy, focus on what the product will do for the customer, not just what the product is.

Example: Instead of saying, “This blender has a 1000-watt motor,” you’d say, “This powerful blender will have your smoothies ready in seconds, giving you more time to enjoy your mornings.”


3. Know Your Audience

In the Boron Letters Gary Halbert speaks about focusing your copywriting toward the needs of the user!

Halbert was a firm believer in understanding your audience before writing a single word of copy. So, he instructed his readers to know their audiences inside out. 

That means knowing what keeps them up at night, what they aspire to, and what problems they want to solve. 

By speaking directly to their needs, you can create a stronger connection and craft a message that resonates deeply.


4. Storytelling Sells

People are wired for stories!

Copywriter Gary Halbert emphasized the power of storytelling in sales copy, using it to draw readers in and keep them engaged.

A well-told story can help a customer visualize themselves using your product, making it easier for them to take the next step.

Example: “When I first started working from home, I struggled with back pain every day—until I found this ergonomic chair. Now, I can work comfortably for hours without any issues.”

This relatable story paints a clear picture of how the product solved a common problem.


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5. Write Like You Talk

One of the most common copywriting mistakes is writing too formally or stiffly. Halbert’s advice? Write like you’re talking to a friend.

In the Gary Halbert copywriting course, students are taught to use conversational language, simple words, and short sentences to keep their copy readable and relatable.

The easier it is to read, the more likely people are to keep reading.


6. Use “You” More Than “I”

Remember, it’s all about the customer. Gary Halbert copywriting book constantly reminds his readers that the word “you” is far more powerful than “I.” 

Your copy should make the reader feel like they’re the center of attention, which means focusing on their needs, desires, and dreams.

Example: Instead of saying, “I developed this program to help people lose weight,” say, “You’ll finally have the tools you need to lose weight and feel amazing.”


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7. Make It Easy to Say Yes

People are naturally resistant to making decisions, so your job as a copywriter is to make the decision-making process as easy as possible. 

The Gary Halbert letter suggested breaking down the barriers to buying by making your offer clear, simple, and risk-free.

One of the best ways to do this is by using a strong call-to-action and reducing the risk with a guarantee.

Example: “Try it risk-free for 30 days. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund 100% of your money—no questions asked!”


8. Focus on Clarity, Not Cleverness

It’s tempting to try to be clever or witty when writing copy, but Gary Halbert letter teaches that clarity should always come first. 

That’s really a clear, no-nonsense message for all from Gary Halbert Boron Letters! So, your copy needs to be crispy, clear and easy to understand.

If people have to work to figure out what you’re saying, they’ll simply move on. A confused mind never buys.


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9. Create a Sense of Urgency

Gary Halbert ads often used urgency to push readers to take action immediately. When people feel like they might miss out on something, they’re more likely to act fast. 

Whether it’s through limited-time offers, scarcity, or a countdown, creating urgency can be a powerful tool in your copy.

Example: “Hurry! This offer expires at midnight, and supplies are running out fast.”


10. Test Everything

Even the best copywriters don’t always get it right on the first try, and Halbert was no exception. 

So, it’s an exclusive Gary Halbert marketing tip that you should test everything!

He stressed the importance of testing different versions of your copy to see what resonates most with your audience. 

Small tweaks to your headline, call-to-action, or even the placement of your offer can make a huge difference in your results.


Final Thoughts

The Boron Letters by Gary Halbert is a masterclass in writing sales copy that converts.

By focusing on clarity, speaking directly to your audience’s needs, and using powerful psychological triggers like urgency and benefits, you can create copy that not only grabs attention but also drives action. 

Whether you’re writing a sales page, an email, or an ad, these tips from the Boron Letters book are a solid foundation for crafting persuasive, high-converting copy.

So, next time you sit down to write copy, channel your inner Gary Halbert and ask yourself, “How can I make this copy irresistible?”