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Top 5 Habits for Success You Should Adopt Right Now!


Before we begin with the habits for success, let me tell you why this is going to be a BIG read for you and why you may want to bookmark and refer to it over and over.

First, this is NOT some cooked-up fantasy or – simply put – phony baloney.

Secondly, it’s not some lecture in psychology either.

This article is a ‘direct result’ of a deep study of the works of the most prominent masters in the personal development realm – from the 20th and 21st centuries.

So, by reading and digesting the content provided you’ll subconsciously be paving for yourself the pathway toward a success mindset, freedom and, of course, happiness!

Now, you see what a hell of a ride it’s going to be?

So, get ready and let’s get started!


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Habits for Success? What Are Habits Anyway?

In simple terms, habits are repetitive behavioral patterns… Cycles of thoughts and emotions in the mind that lead you to act.

It wouldn’t be off the mark to say that the mind is just a bundle of those repetitive patterns of thought.

James Allen, pioneer in the self-help movement, went so far as to say ‘You Are What You Think’ — therefore, your habits are you. Your thoughts are you.

And that pretty much explains why poor habits result in a poor you. And why certain success habits will turn you into a better  —  more successful, accomplished, and balanced being.

It’s time to get down to the ‘five habits for success as revealed by the gurus themselves!


1) Taking Responsibility

Yes! If you want to be successful start by being responsible for yourself! That might seem like hackneyed advice but to be honest ‘it’s gold’.

What happens is that by taking responsibility for yourself and everything you do, you establish yourself as the sovereign captain of your life’s journey.

Suddenly your destiny is in your hands!

In the long list of habits to become successful, what Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, found common for the world’s most successful men was that they always took responsibility, no matter what. 

And that led them to grow!

So, you’d better start taking responsibility, because the gloomy path of blame game leads to nowhere.

Do This: keep reinforcing in your head that your life is your responsibility, and never let your mind blame anyone. In some time you’ll begin to experience freedom!



2) Action over Thinking!

Do you think too much? Many people think that ’thinking’ is good and some even go to the extent of encouraging unnecessary imagination.

The truth is this: thought without action is not worth a dime!

Because, after all, this is a universe of activity (constant motion) and unless your thoughts set you into motion what good are they?

Thinking, without any definite action, is simply daydreaming or what else is it, you tell me?

Earl Nightingale, a legendary American speaker, stressed enough the fact that ideas are worthless unless we act upon them.

The bottom line is you’ve got to become action-oriented to become successful in life.

Do This: Set definite goals for yourself, and take definite actions to achieve them. Mark your progress every day. This is a powerful success habit!


3) Facing Challenges

Among the habits of successful people, you’ll find – facing your fears! Everyone has fears and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

As long as we’re living we’ll fear one thing or another.

Fears are not bad (unless neurotic). In fact, one big difference between those who succeed in life and those who never make it there is:

– The former turn their fears into a driving force and pull through

– The latter let their fears take them over and take them down the drain

The choice is yours.

If you’ve made the obvious choice then…

Do This: Set targets and push yourself out of your comfort zone every day. Meditate, and see yourself as fearless. With continuous practice, you’ll see the power of habit!


face fears success mindset


4) Knowing the Value of Time

Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘Time is Money’? Well, that’s damn true!

Stephen Covey, a renowned American speaker, believed and insisted on the value of time so much so that he even drew up a Time Management Matrix for people to use and spend their time most efficiently.

Among Covey’s bestselling ‘7 Habits of Highly Effective People’, he placed time management at number 3  —  which goes to show what time meant to him.

So, how to be effective with time and turn this into a success habit?

Do This:

– Set your priorities right

– Stop overthinking (because that eats up time, isn’t it?)

– Be quick and active (taking good care of your health so laziness won’t kick in)

– Start respecting time in its true sense and ‘realize’ that it is your lease on life

The last one must JOLT you!


5) “Honesty is the Best Policy”

Sir Edwin Sandys was quite right when he uttered those historic words.

You don’t need a lecture on honesty, do you?

That ‘honesty’ is the essence of all of the world’s religions, of all scriptures, and that he who’s honest will lead a content life… is known to all.

The big issue with honesty is that the majority of the time when we have a choice between the truth and the lie we go with the lie. 

That’s because being honest never looks very promising at first glance. Right?

Why? What’s the root of that?

This: We’re short-term people, with a short-sighted attitude to life.

If you want to lead a successful and fully content life (in the long-term) – with a light and happy heart  —  make honesty an inseparable part of you!

No ‘Do This’ this time, because you know how to be honest and true. There’s no practice for this habit for success.


success habits blog


Bonus Point!

One thing not put in the above five was: learning. Well, it has its special place.

Life is a learning journey and once you drop your ego and become open to learning, success will be your inevitable fate!

So, the above five habits for success will surely set you on the right track for greatness… But if you combine them with a learning attitude you’ll become unstoppable!

Then for you, every day will be a success day and every experience will become a teacher.