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How to Control Mind? Is It Possible? Or Is Mind Control A Hoax?

How to Control Mind

I have been a fervent investigator into the question of how to control mind. Mind control, even the phrase, sounds so infectious that it draws millions of people towards itself in the form of seminars, mindset workshops, lectures – year after year.

Of course, the crux of all our troubles lies in the mind. Whether it’s as petty as getting upset at your neighbor’s barking dog, or as thundering as one country nuking another, all of the human problem has its roots in the mind. Or, in the malfunctioning of the mind, to be precise.

It’s the Mind That Creates Pain

Well, pain is such an ultra-generic word these days, that it will mean different things to different people. However, the “feel” of psychological pain is the same for everyone. The pulling power that it wields upon you and sucks you deeper and deeper into the abyss.

It kills your soul and you become isolated – not able to get along with anyone or anything, and, in particular with yourself. For many, this pain crosses the tipping point at some point. So, they opt out of this life by killing themselves. Suicide, the easy escape!

I Don’t Blame Them…

But, I must drive home that suicide is the result of a very distorted (over-imaginary) way of thinking. But, of course, to the one that suffers it all seems so real, just like a gut-wrenching, heart-pounding roller coaster ride that has gotten out of control in your dream.

Before you lose hope, I want you to think about the question of mind control for once. Yes, you may have already thought about it. However, this one time, it’s going to be unorthodox (different) and we’ll hit the heart of the problem with all our thinking capacity.

What’s the Mind After All?

To begin into the question of mind control, we need to first look at the question, “What’s the mind?” The fact that most people want to control their minds but when you ask them what exactly it is they want to gain control over and they blank out is hilarious. Nobody has the awareness to categorically define what the mind is, let alone mind control! It’s something so subtle that it’s almost “not there”.

I like to call the mind an illusion. Something that you see for sure and you can swear upon it but it’s actually NEVER there. It’s like a dream that we dream while asleep as well as awake. And it all begins with the “I”. This “I” is the center from where you and I function. This is where all the mischief kicks off!

Mind Control Blarney Sells

We are often sold lectures on how to control your mind from unwanted thoughts by pseudo-intellectuals who know nothing about their own minds. They are not informed of how stupid they will start to sound in many cases if only people begin to put a probing knife on them and shred their theories for inspection.

But they want us to invest all our faith in what they teach and participate in their meaningless sessions so that they can book their next trip to the Caribbean. This is what the self-development business is all about: Money!

Let Me Break the Bad News to You!

Nobody in this world has ever been able to control their thoughts. The very question how to control your thoughts is fundamentally wrong. Thinking is something that has no foundation in reality. It’s a damn repetition of your memory in the brain and keeps you trapped in the past. That’s all it is.

As a matter of fact, it’s pretty normal to think. Or you can’t survive without it. The trouble begins with the “I”, as said earlier. The I (or ego) that has taken over our thinking faculty is what’s truly responsible for the traumas and horrors we squirm with.

The Extremes of Good and Bad Emotions

As soon as you get out of bed in the morning until you drive back from work in the evening, life is hell. There may be fleeting spells of happiness but for most people, the burdensome baggage of the ego never goes. And it’s there to stay. Because if it goes, YOU WILL GO. It’s not separate from you.

See, this one point can make it all clear for you: The mind can never be happy because it’s a dream. A dream can only go on if it’s loaded with fears and pleasures and in the middle, there is a never-ending stream of loneliness, anxiety, depression, shame, regrets, and guilt.

These devils appear between bouts of terror and joy. It’s a pendulum. But all that comes from the mind is useless!

The Mind Is As Real As A Fairytale!

Whether it’s happiness or sadness, if it springs from the mind, which means if it’s triggered due to a form or image or impression in the brain, it’s an illusion – and will pull you back down into its dark trenches once the short-lived joy is over. Think about it, for Goodness’s sake!

So, running after happiness and envisioning control of the mind is an image itself. Isn’t it? Of course, it is! Do you believe that one day with meditation and practice you will control the mind, think straight and be free from all the trouble that this menacing machine spawns? That’s a joke.

Laugh Loud – Because Everything Is A Joke

Even the statement “I’ve been meditating all day” is a joke. That’s because the mind creates meditation and you, both. It projects a picture of you solving your problems. A picture of you achieving bliss. All trash!

This is what I was into for seven years!

But with some common sense that started to take hold of my thinking, I realized that I had never meditated for a second. All of that had been a dead illusion. In fact, I had never needed to meditate because it only reinforced the “I” in my mind, and the mind continued with its own projection.

Lose Your Mind And Celebrate Life!

The question of how to control my mind started to vanish in me because I couldn’t control something that didn’t exist.

Then, as the mind fades, you realize there’s no “me and you” in life. All is one.

It’s a strange and frightening experience. But equally liberating. This is a zone where life becomes streamlined and everything happens on its own. You get what you want before you even officially want it. Consciousness becomes activated and the petty “I” becomes a frequent goner.

When you become one with all that’s what true mind control is.

In Other Words…

The loss of mind with all its aggression and violence and possession and desperation is the beginning of real freedom. There’s nothing to control. Believe me.